Birthday History Museum!

26 November 2018 Dr.. виповнилося 122 years since the founding of the Chernihiv Historical Museum. VV. Tarnovsky. For the museum has become a good tradition to celebrate his birthday, inviting staff, in different years worked at the museum, fellow museum staff, colleagues in the field of culture and education, краєзнавців, old and new friends of the museum, do all, those interested in the history and culture of Ukraine.

This year the museum held a meeting 27 November, day - also a landmark for the museum: 27 November 1991 Dr.. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the order granting Museum of VV. Tarnovsky.

Especially for the museum and this year, because 1 April (20 March Old Style) 2018 року виповнилося 180 in the years since the c. Antonivka, Now Varva district, Chernihiv region, born Vasily Tarnowski Jr..

Chernihiv Historical Museum requested the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine included in the list of anniversaries 2018 180-year anniversary of the birth of famous Ukrainian public and cultural figure VV. Tarnovsky (1838–1899), who did so much for Ukraine. He saved for science princely Mountain, participated in both Kyiv Archaeological Congress, Nezhine in the construction of the first in the Russian Empire Monument M. Gogol monument and B. Khmelnitsky in Kiev. Own funds established cross on the grave of poet on Mount Chernechey. Gathered unique Shevchenkiany, which is now kept at the Institute of Literature. Т. Шевченка НАН України, Taras Shevchenko National Museum in Kyiv and its branches - House museum Shevchenko, Shevchenko National Reserve in Kano, National Museum in Lviv. A. Sheptitskiy, Chernihiv Historical Museum named VV. Tarnovsky; his collection of antiquities Cossack seen in Chernihiv Historical Museum. VV. Tarnovsky, National Museum of History of Ukraine, National Historical-Ethnographic Reserve "Pereyaslav". Vasily Tarnowski is in Ukrainian history - National Historical and Cultural Reserve "Kachanivka", chasopis "Kiev Antiquity", fundamental research "in Zaporozhye remnant starina" Dr.. Яворницького, "HISTORIC figures south-western Russia in the biographies and portraits of" The. Antonovich and B. Betsa, preserving the memory P. Kulish and M. Kostomarov; Help Drawing School M. Ant and exhibits curiosities in National Art Museum of Ukraine, National Museum of Ukrainian Folk Decorative Art, Sumy Art Museum named H. Onatskoho, Chernihiv Regional Art Museum named G. Galagan, National Literary Memorial Museum Gregory Pans, artistic heritage and. Repin etc.

Having received no government support, The museum recognized for a 2018 Year Year Vasily Tarnowska. he, who monitors our activities, knows about the exhibition "Zhertvolyubna the national business person", museum met with great-niece VV. Tarnowska mallet IM. gossip (Tarnovsʹkoû), of the music room "Guests Kachanivs'kyi Eden" tour and museum lectures to Kachanivka, про те, that the anniversary of the VV. Tarnovsky was devoted to "Night at the Museum", after which the halls were labeled, museum and meeting the Independence Day of Ukraine "Relics Ukrainian Cossack state in collected Vasily Tarnowska" and more. Чернігівський історичний музей ім. VV. Tarnowska priori not live without collection VV. Tarnovsky, no stories of contribution to Ukrainian culture Ukrainian Big, who loved Ukraine to a depth of pocket, therefore willingly participated in the opening of a memorial plaque Nezhine, dedicated VV. Тарновському, in the park named. Nikolai Gogol.

After greetings and gifts home, seemly, "Pochastuvaly" guests.

Presented the new edition of "Treasury Ukrainian culture". Regular, 19-and, issue a compendium of scientific papers, regularly with 2002 Dr.. publishes Museum, is subtitled "Special Issue 2": Museum again issued a "treasury", which does not consist of individual articles, directory, scientific information, made at scientific meetings reports, and contains only one work (was the first special issue "Treasury" number 9: At Chernenko,. Archaeological Collection Chernihiv Historical Museum named VV. Tarnovsky (1896-1948's.). Chernihiv, 2007). New edition, dedicated to the anniversary of the Vasily Tarnowska, two parts: vidrukuvanі obidva Tom "Catalog of the printed books of the Museum of Ukrainian Antiquities VV. Tarnow. compiled in 1901 by MN. i b, d. Grinchenko ".

What is this publication? BD. Hrinchenko as secretary of the Chernigov provincial rural council in 1899 Dr.. adopted in Kiev collection, In that. Tarnowski zemstvo command to create a museum in Chernihiv. Boris Dmitrievich dopravyv to Chernihiv part of the collection - documents, фото, Books, materials TG. Shevchenko, and other monuments, як-от: archaeological finds, real objects Cossack period, picture, sculpture and so gave deposited in the Kiev museum (they moved to Chernigov in 1901 р.). In 1900 Dr.. B. Hrinchenko concluded catalog of the collection of Chernihiv, which described "pencil drawings and watercolors, pen, and so on. ", "Printed playing cards, drawings and paintings and photographs ", "Taras Shevchenko" and "Manuscripts", which was released as an "Zemskoho collections of Chernyhovskoy province", and called the work "Product of the Museum of Ukrainian antiquity VV. Tarnow. Т. II ", because we believe the first volume catalog of all meetings "Catalog of Ukrainian antiquity VV Collection. Tarnow ", issued in Kiev 1898 year. He developed a following and structure, Third, so catalog Museum, which contained a book collection. wife B. Hrinchenko Maria Hrinchenko (Ukrainian writer Maria Zahirnya) in August 1900 Dr.. appointed custodian (director) музею, so she is committed to catalog description publications printed books VV Museum. Tarnovsky. But this was not published directory. Boris Dmitrievich in December 1899 Dr.. dismissed and he concluded directories at the request of the council for free, only asked permission to use the Museum for its research work. Maria is not approved as governor. Do 1902 Dr.. Hrichenkiv couple moved from Chernihiv, leaving the museum manuscript catalog.

2018 Dr.. was the anniversary not only for Ukrainian culture philanthropist Vasily Tarnowska, but for true Ukrainian patriots Hrinchenko; marks 155 years since the birth and Maria Nikolaevna (13.06.1863), and Boris Dmitrievich (09.12(27.11 And 27 November, however, new style, Чернігівський історичний музей ім. VV. Tarnowska presented in the enclosed Hrinchenko 1901 Dr.. dvotomny "Catalog of the printed books of the Museum of Ukrainian Antiquities VV. Tarnow ".

The publication reproduces the manuscript with all copyright marks and corrections, made from 1902 р., since the catalog was used as the accounting records of the museum collection. In the Book Collection. MM Tarnowska. and BD. Hrichenkamy divided into 14 sections, fits described in two books (volumes). The first volume contains an introduction and description of the first four chapters, second - a description of the remaining ten chapters. In preparing the manuscript for publication, Editorial Board "Treasury" to the author of the manuscript added under "Current inventory numbers", This is explained in the introduction. through which you can see, that 2432 publications (refers to the number of rooms, and not units, For under one number can be specified and two or three of the same book) Today the museum EV. Nogina and IM. satiated found 256 publications: 207 kept in the library of the museum, 49 - in funds. Not found any book chapters 2, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14, only one - the 8th and two - 3rd. But the work will continue, because questions were not resolved. The museum hopes, that through the publication Catalog VV. Tarnowska can vidnaytysya in other museums, or private libraries and treasures (These publications have inventory numbers Catalog Hrinchenko, who put black ink on the flyleaf, cover or title page or on the label affixed; Room can have a fraction, where the top - "№" books in Arabic numerals, below the line - "Dep." Roman numerals, eg: ).

Product talking about a scientific approach VV. Tarnowska to collecting books. It is not just collecting own library, and formed the book Ukrainian studies as part of its National Museum. Very clearly evidenced by the "fiction (elegant verbally)”, which were collected issued in Kiev Ukrainian language translations tales GM-X. Andersen, art works of famous and lesser-known authors; the collection were enlisted edition of the same work, made at different times, various publishing houses. Collector highlighted the multifaceted talent of Ukrainian culture figures. So, P. Kulish presented as author and art, and historical works, and as a publisher of books; M revisions. Kostomarov and D. Mordovtsya seen in sections of literature and history, etc..

On the occasion of the publication of the Catalog S.O. Polovnikova and IM. Fed prepared the exhibition and told about the most interesting publication from the collection in. Tarnovsky, preserved in the library of the museum, and the credit MM. and BD. Hrinchenko front of the museum. Once again mention also the still unsolved problem - creating appropriate conditions for Museum Research Library, unique storage media, з колекції Василя Тарновського.

Participants were the first. who is familiar with the new, yet officially open, exposure "Chernihiv in 1920 - 1931 years". Developments II research and exposition department, embodied staff of all departments and services of the museum, demonstrated SM. Sergeyev.

SO. Polovnikova author conducted a tour of the exhibition "Zhertvolyubna the national business person".

Birthday held in sincere and interested dialogue.