In Chernihiv Historical Museum presented the guidebook "Roads of Taras Shevchenko. Kiїvshtina "

IMG_92854 March Chernihiv Historical Museum named after V. Tarnowska, celebrating the 200th anniversary of Taras Shevchenko was a presentation guide "Ways of Taras Shevchenko. Kiїvshtina " (Authors. Text YA. Shilenko [and others.]. - K.: Bogda, 2013. – 304 s.: not show up.).

The book is the second in a series of publications, devoted to travel the Great Poet Ukraine. First, last year was presented guide "Way of Taras Shevchenko. Chernihiv ", prepared by the staff of Chernigov Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnovsky.

Kyiv volume contains information on towns and villages within the former province of Kiev, в яких побував Тарас Григорович, of historical monuments, described or sketch it, residents on edge, have become friends of the poet and his works prototypes.

In the Kyiv region were written "dug grave" and "Will", "Funeral" and "Caucasus", sketched self-portraits and portraits and landscapes ten. As plainclothes Archaeological Commission, Shevchenko, traveling, collecting folklore and ethnographic materials, that it became useful.


Guidebook, depicting Kyiv region such, which saw Shevchenko, advises modern travelers: as you can comfortably get and where to stay, what to visit and see. He has illustrated, first, works of the artist, that once belonged to the famous Shevchenkiany Tarnowska, and now stored at the National Museum of Taras Shevchenko. It was his experts came to the Authors Edition.

At the presentation, which was attended museum and library workers, present director of publishing "Bogdan" Boris Loginov and Deputy Svetlana Hihlushko. They told the audience about the work on streamlining materials and a guide.